7 nov 2009

¿Como ser Agente Secreto?.

Selecciona la “M” arriba en la esquina superior derecha de la pantalla del Club Penguin pon todo YES.ESTE ES EL FORMULARIO PARA SER AGENTE SECRETO

Y tendras que esperar 30 dias.

Si tienes mas de 30 dias aca las pregntas y las respuestas:

1.Are you ready to become a Secret Agent?


2.Pick one quality that you think a Secret Agent should have


3.Pick the correct reason to report a penguin to a moderator

Being mean or rude

4.What should you do if you saw a penguin breaking the rules?

Reporth Them

5.Which type of personal information should be reported.

Saying the adress

6.Pick the correct reason why you want to be a secret Agent.

I want to keep Club Penguin Safe

7.Pick another reason why you want to be a Secret Agent

I want to help others penguins

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